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TLFDS Dedicated Servers

Fast Intel CPUs. Enterprise-grade SuperMicro hardware. Server-class error correcting RAM. Hosted on our time-proven network.

Our TLFDS servers are the no-compromises solution to power high-volume websites, game servers, or cloud computing nodes.

Custom RAM and Hard Drive builds are available! Contact us for more information.

  DSv5 Gen 1 - Xeon DSv9 Gen 2 - Core i3 DSv10 Gen 2 - Xeon
Per month $49 $79 $99
CPU Intel® Xeon® E-1220 v2
Quad-Core 3.1GHz
Intel® Core i3-9100®
Six-Core 4.5 GHz
Intel® Xeon® E-2136
Six-Core 4.5 GHz
Operating System (64-bit) CentOS 7 / 8 64 Bit
Disk 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 500GB NVMe
Bandwidth 10000GB / 10TB
SuperMicro Logo
Our custom-designed TLFDS servers are based on mainboard components and cases from Supermicro, the largest white box provider of enterprise computer hardware in the world. Because we use enterprise class equipment, it comes with enterprise class features like our IPMI based Remote Admin Pack.
We've combined Supermicro's IPMI management platform with our own VPN implementation to give you secure, private access to your server's out of band, lights-out management controller anywhere there is Internet access. All included with your TLFDS server, free of charge.
When we ask our customers why they stay with TLF hosting, the answer is always "The support". Unlike almost all of our competition, we don't outsource. The people answering your support tickets are the ones setting up your servers. You come first, every single time.